⛄ Tyrone = Optics Cuck ⛄

⛄ Tyrone = Optics Cuck ⛄

The White Genocide Party.

The White Genocide Party.

We all the same and equal” – Trichinella Johnson, spokes-“person” for Moms Demand Action Against Whiteness.

2015 – Donald Trump is Hitler
2016 – Donald Trump is President
2017 – Donald Trump is Playing 3D Chess
2018 – Donald Trump is a Cuck
2019 – Donald Trump has never existed it’s all in your imagination influenced by the Illuminati racist u need to EXPAND URMIND N SHIEET
2020 – Tyrone Trump is President

A while back there was a “pyramid of fash” of sorts which attempted to classify levels of “wokeness”. At the bottom-most level you had something like “basic bitch dems r real racist” and at the top you had “shitlord”.

Very gay, very autist. I approve of both gayness and homosexuality .

Something along these lines:

Tier 0 – Tyrone Trump
Tier 1 – Fourth Reich
Tier 2 – White Nationalist
Tier 3 – Race realist “normie”
Tier 4 – Civicuck Nat
Tier 5 – Muh Western Civilization (built by Africans)
Tier 6 – (((Breitbart))) audience
Tier 7 – Hannity/Dems R Real Racist

This pyramid of fash is interesting in that it’s both pervasive of the Alt-Right movement, like an unconscious blueprint, and simultaneously revealing of the issues that plague it most.

For instance – in addition to the borders between some categories being somewhat porous – not all distinctions are important.

Politically and culturally, the we can simplify this eight level pyramid into two groups: cucks (tiers 7 to 4) and realists (3 to 0).

White is Racist.

White is Racist.

One of the common complaints against the Alt-Right, one that I’m far from the only one in formulating, is that it engages in intellectual masturbation.

Variation A of WN is wrong, the truth is with B. Belief C is inherently cucked, you need to accept (the) D in your life. Just read any Alt-Right publication and you’ll come across that line of thought.

In relation to the pyramid of fash, these seemingly counterproductive behaviors can be explained by the leaders of various factions attempting to proselytize their audience. But their audience isn’t, usually, from the base of the pyramid. Rather, they are attempting to turn a tier 3 into a tier 2, or a tier 2 into a tier 1.

That line of thinking leads to a severe misallocation of resources, as not only does the audience get smaller as you move up the pyramid (surface of a triangle, 2nd grade geometrics), it also diminishes the efforts to proselytize to the much larger base of the pyramid. “Normies”. The people that matter due to their mass.

Fuck racism.

Fuck racism.

Tiers 3 to 0 are basically the same when it comes to culture and politics. They vote the same and have the same talking points, with different levels of “edge” and abrasiveness.

Same with tiers 7 to 4.

It would be best if the “movement” stopped trying to hierarchize its adherents via meaningless distinctions and instead adopt a much simpler dichotomy: cucks and realists.

Deny race? You’re a cuck.

That you literally masturbate to your daughter’s sex tape with refugees is implied, but it’s also not important.

Likewise, that some racist faggot denies the truth of Xenu getting blowjobs from active volcanos – while it does hint at severe homosexuality – is irrelevant.

In the words of Trichinella Johnson, “we all the same and EQUAL“.

Dicks out.

🍹 Dead People are Racist 🍹

🍹 Dead People are Racist 🍹

Dead racists are people.

Dead racists are people.

One day there was a nigger who was born on a Sunday so he went to Walmart to buy Dora the Explorer the complete 1488 DVDs collector edition director’s cut showing the voice actors frantically masturbating on the tits of a dead beaner cunt on heroin withdrawal while touching each other’s dicks like flamboyant homosexuals. The nigger thought it was stupid so he went to KFC and shot himself in the dick and became first lady.

The end.

Tyrone’s Law #1: Most people are stupid people.
Tyrone’s Law #2: Stupid people say stupid shiet.
Tyrone’s Law #3: As the volume of shiet increases, so does the probability of encountering stupid shiet.
Tyrone’s Law #4: Michelle Obama is a tranny. Hawt 💗
Tyrone’s Law #5: I hate Asians.

White Feminism.

White Feminism.

The ‘Alt-Right’ likes to write shiet. And not just write shiet like y’all do when you write an appeal to the DA when you inevitably contravene your gf sister’s restrainer order, they write shiet like their goal is to break your fingers from scrolling through their shiet. And how can you finger your gf sister without fingers???? You can’t, fuckers, and now you ruined even incest because of your big mouths and inability to organize and articulate your thoughts in a coherent manner – WHY CAN’T YOU BE SHORT AND OVER QUICKLY LIKE TYRONE????

Likewise, anti-Whites circumvent their inherent stupidity by being short to the point of everything coming out of their mouths / keyboards resembling slogans for the very multinational corporations for which they involuntarily become the useful idiots.

As per Tyrone’s third law of shiet, as the volume of shiet they produce increases so does the difficulty in maintaining the illusion of a functional neo-cortex.

Thus, to succeed at anything in life, you must be like the Tyrone. Short, half-flaccid and over before they can realize what’s happening and before dad can find the shotgun amidst his collection of homosexual pornography featuring Paul Ryan.

Why are you so scared of your short dick? Embrace it. 6-year-olds don’t have a frame of reference anyway.

Practical Applications

YOLO n sheeit.

YOLO n sheeit.

‘Anti-racism’ is anti-White, but pretends not to be.

The more shiet ‘anti-racists’ say, the more likely for the true nature of anti-racism to be revealed. At the very least, the more shiet they say the more ammunition they give the opposition. That’s the dual-edge of deception.

Tyrone’s Law #6: When answering the talking points of the Multikult, force it to expand beyond implicit anti-Whiteness.

The goal here isn’t so much to ‘debunk’ the theories. The format of heavily-repeated talking points renders them difficult to refute without going into long diatribes which will inevitably put the would-be refuter in the defensive position (gay).

Instead, use Tyrone’s phallic to turn the tables of the anti-White narrative. Phallic = phrasal + magic btw, I don’t know why the readership of this blog is so obsessed with muhdik.

Examples for slow people (which itself is antithetical to Fourth Reich sexuality, let it be known).

Example #1 – “Murkan Values/Traditions”

Anti-Whites:Immigration is who we are! Being against immigration is incompatible with our American values and traditions!“.

Cuckboi:We are a nation of laws, and those that break our laws… it’s not okay, okay? It’s like someone breaks into Starbucks, like, oh my god… it’s illegal you know? That’s why we should oppose illegal immigration. Even some legal immigrants like my husbands and the people that fuck my daughters agree“.

Fourth Reich adept:Didn’t we rule that our traditions and values were racist and obsolete when we [gay marriage/gun rights/abortion/world police/Iraq/Barack Obama/ended slavery]? Why you trying to drag us back to a time of hate and bigotry?“.

Example #2 – “The Poor”

Anti-Whites:Mitt Romney racist rich dude that hates the poor and immigrants. Fucking nazi only likes white CEOs and corporations“.

Cuckboi:Tax cuts benefit everyone, including the immigrants that fuck my daughters after church. Do you know what we pay in condom taxes? It’s very hard to afford protecting my daughters from the inherent risks of gang bangs with minority gentlemen, who often cannot afford condoms themselves because of socialism and Obamacare, and – OH MY GOD I DID A RACISM, I’M SO SORRY PAUL RYAN PLEASE DON’T DISAVOW ME LIKE DAVID DUKE“.

Fourth Reich adept with High IQ:Why do anti-Whites pretend to care about the poor when they support immigration?“.

Example #3 – “Slavery”

Anti-Whites:White people enslaved Africans. And don’t give me that crap about ‘it happened a long time ago’ because African-Americans are still suffering the consequences of this white supremacist society today“.

Cuckboi:It was the DEMOCRATS that enslaved African-Americans. All the more reasons for minorities to escape the Democratic plantation and come fuck my daughters like Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King envisioned“.

Fourth Reich adept with Huge Dick and High IQ:If White are liable for the behavior of their ancestors, then so are Blacks. How many Whites were killed during slave riots and the civil war?“.

Example #4 – “White Privilege”

Anti-Whites:White people benefit from undeserved privilege in this racist and white supremacist society!“.

Cuckboi:What about Asian-Americans, the model minorities? Certainly they are not without flaws, as they don’t fuck my daughters with as much ‘vigor’ as other, more virile ethnic groups, but they achieve as much if not more than whites in academics and professional fields, and for that we anti-racist conservatives should be PROUD“.

Fourth Reich adept with Huge Dick, High IQ, a harem of underage… basically Tyrone:White privilege comes with White responsibility, the type of responsibility ‘minorities’ have repeatedly shown they don’t possess each time they [violent crime/riot/obamaphone/welfare]“.

Invert the cause -> effect relation of the victim narrative.

In each case you don’t really refute the points (yet), you just force the fags & cucks to over-explain their positions.

It makes the anti-racist = anti-White relation much clearer, and therefore much simpler to expose.

Dick Cheney out.