πŸ•‹ Can’t Stone the Tyrone! πŸ•‹

Fourth Reich Genocide.

Fourth Reich Genocide.

…or where the Alt-Right fails.

What is (((Neo-Conservatism)))?

Neo-Conservatives are (((Eritrean))) marxists who switched allegiance from Democrat to Republican and thus found their way in the Bush administration.

They were anti-White and pro-Israel advocates who became… even more anti-White and pro-Israel.

The only change was the justification for their policy: instead of free love and tolerance it became about the (((War on Terror))) and the propagation of democracy.

This happened because the Republican party never objected to the inclusion of these obviously foreign elements whose interests were diametrically opposed to those of its White voting base.

They were all about “expanding their ranks” and proving how “not WAYCISS” they were at any cost.

Hitler's Fried Ovens.

Hitler’s Fried Ovens.

The Alt-Right should learn from the mistakes of its predecessor.

The current political approach of White Nationalists seems to be to try and recruit as many “normies” as possible.

That’s acceptable.

I even detailed the best tactics to employ in a previous post.

But his alone isn’t a viable strategy.

White Nationalists ask: “How can we get regular conservatives and liberals to openly embrace pro-White policies?“.

That will not happen, as I explain in one of my first posts.

It’s akin to wondering when Warren Buffett will stop cucking to the poor and openly embrace pro-rich rhetoric… NEVER.

Buffett benefits both from his wealth and by his virtue signalling about “caring for the poor”.

Barack Ebola the Neo-Nazi KKK Muslim.

Barack Ebola the Neo-Nazi KKK Muslim.

He is playing on both teams.

He is guaranteed to win whatever happens.

Why would he choose to limit himself to one side when he can be on both?

The same assessment also applies to “normie” conservatives and (especially) liberals.

They benefit both from their White privilege and from their anti-racist signalling.

They aren’t interested in what you’re selling because they already have it, and without the inconveniences of ostracism, media persecutions and whatever else baggage comes with being a “White Supremacist”.

Warren Buffett isn’t interested in lowering capital gains taxes because he isn’t paying any.

Same with contards/libshits, they aren’t interested in your pro-White politics because they’re already benefiting from them on a smaller scale.

Their choice is between social status and ostracism.

The Alt-Right is trying its best to try and lessen the stigma associated with being pro-White.

Will it work?

The Tyrone Doctrine.

The Tyrone Doctrine.

Did Warren Buffet ever admit that he’s a Leftist purely out of personal interest and his ties to the Democratic party have little to do with socialist ideology?

Face it, you’re never going to mainstream White Nationalism.

The anti-White power structure rests on four pillars: the media, academia, the executive and the judiciary.

Together they maintain homeostasis.

If one of the four pillars starts straying (i.e. Trump’s executive), the other three will rapidly bring it back into the fold.

You would need to take control of all four at the same time. Sound feasible?

So what’s the solution?

Enter the Tyrone Doctrine.

Instead of making pro-White politics less repulsive to the average normie, polarize the political discourse.

  • 2000: People didn’t vote for GWB because they liked him, they voted for him because they didn’t want another four years of Clinton 2.0.
  • 2008: (White) people didn’t vote for Obama because they liked him/her/it, they voted for him/her/it because they didn’t want another four years of GWB 2.0 (and because “race relations“).
  • 2016: People (mostly) didn’t vote for Trump because they liked him, they voted for him because they didn’t want another four years of Obama/Clinton 2.0.
  • 2022: The faggots of Vermont, Pittsburgh and Portland won’t vote for Richard Spencer because “muh White identity“, they’ll vote for him because Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom 2.0.

Fourth Reich Supremacy.

Dicks out.

4 thoughts on “πŸ•‹ Can’t Stone the Tyrone! πŸ•‹

  1. I consider guilt to be our foremost enemy and THE beast to slay!

    Any specific strategies on that?

    Because there is no crossing the bridge without this happening.


    • “2022: The faggots of Vermont, Pittsburgh and Portland won’t vote for Richard Spencer because β€œmuh White identityβ€œ, they’ll vote for him because Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom 2.0.”

      It’s easy to be guilty when dealing with abstract notions such as white privilege, institutional waycissm, the patriarchy and fat acceptance.

      That’s where Tyrone be keeping it real.

      Only when Leftists and anti-WAYCISS advocates be equally enriched will they start reconsidering their worldview, mindset and policies.

      Will that make them less guilty?

      No. It will make them WAYCISS bigots tho πŸ€—


  2. I consider un-gassed kikes to be the foremost enemy and the specific strategy I propose to implement in order to ‘cross that bridge’ is to legalize gassing kikes and then to gas the kikes.

    What about that is difficult for you to understand “guest” if that is really your name…


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